Hello Everyone!

Hard to believe, but we are already halfway through the summer! That means our annual convention is coming up in September and you need to make sure you’re registered to attend!

The Convention will be held in Orlando, FL at the beautiful Renaissance Orlando At Seaworld Resort September 5th – 8th.  Make plans to attend this always fun and informative annual event for our Association!

I want to thank our staff for putting together another great July BOD Meeting in Bonita Springs, FL.  The meetings were productive, the location was excellent, and the staff did another excellent job!

Finally, I want to say congratulations to our staff on their successful move into their new digs at the new FRVTA State Office!  Everyone is very happy and the new location, with all it has to offer is very well deserved.

Until next time! 

Ken Loyd
FRVTA Board President