Hello Everyone!

I hope all of you had a relaxing and peaceful Memorial Day Weekend and took time to be with family and friends and, most importantly, took time to reflect on what the holiday is truly about.

We often get so wrapped up in all the peripheral activities that Memorial Day Weekend has that we lose track of the true meaning of why we’re off work, why RV Sales are going on, why our campgrounds and Resorts are fully booked, and the parties that are planned. The men and women that sacrificed their lives to allow us to enjoy the freedoms that we have and to enjoy all the activities that come along with the holiday weekend are more important than any beer, bbq, pool parties, etc. that we all look forward to and we should make sure that we remember those that sacrificed everything for us.

I’ll get off of my soapbox now and finish up be reminding everyone about the Tampa Bay Summer RV Show coming up in early June and, last but not least, the move begins to get our staff into their NEW OFFICE to start the next chapter of the FRVTA’s future!  Finally, please take note that June 1st is the official start of hurricane season and we all need to make sure we are prepared as it is predicted to be a very busy season in our beautiful state.

Until next time!
Ken Loyd
FRVTA President Board of Directors