It’s your chance to make a difference!

The annual election of FRVTA State Officers will take place at the State Convention (September 5-8 at the Renaissance Sea World Resort in Orlando) in accordance with the FRVTA By-Laws, The Nominating Committee would like to hear from any qualified candidates (see below) who would like to submit their name for nomination to State Office.

So far the following people have been nominated:

President: Sean Thompson – RV Master
Vice President: Brett Howard – North Trail RV Center

Other members interested in running for state office should contact the Nominating Committee Chairman, Brian Copley at (772) 546-6416.

Section III. Voting

Voting on all questions or issues submitted to a vote of the members shall be done in such a manner as is determined by the person presiding at the meeting, or by a majority vote of the members.  In connection with any secret written ballot vote, the person presiding at the meeting where the vote is to be taken shall appoint two tellers, to distribute, collect, and count the ballots. 

Section IV. Proxies and Absentee Ballots

There shall be no voting by proxy at any meeting of the FRVTA.  Absentee ballots may be cast for the election of State Officers, which will be held at the Annual General Membership Meeting or Convention.

It will be the responsibility of the Chairman of the Nominating Committee to see that absentee ballots, containing the nominations for all officers, are mailed to all voting members who have provided written notice that they will not attend the general meeting.

All absentee ballots must be returned to the Chairman of the Nominating Committee in adequate time to allow the sealed votes to be presented to the teller prior to the voting at the General Meeting.

Section II. Election and Term of Office

All officers and directors of the State and of the Regions shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the Annual Meeting or Regional Meetings, except where previously noted.

All officers will be elected to serve a one-year term of office.  Any officer can be nominated for an additional term of office with no more than 2 consecutive years being served in any one office.  No member shall serve in the State office of President, Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary unless previously served on the Board of Directors for a minimum of one year.  The Directors will be elected to serve a two-year term of office.  Any Director can be nominated for an additional term of office with no more than 4 consecutive years being served in this office.  Only an owner, corporate officer, sole proprietorship or its assigned designee is eligible to run for State office.