NOTICE:  The information below was obtained directly from the Division of Motorist Services’ (DMS) website, DMS Procedures, DMS Forms and Florida Statutes. Links are provided so you may access DMS forms, procedures and Florida law.


References:  s. 320.02(16), F.S., Dealer Request for Registration Stop (Form HSMV-MS2001), C.O.D. Tag/Title/Registration Notice and Evidence of Amounts Owed, Letter to Dealers From DMS Bureau Chief of Dealer Services

To place an “Administrative Stop” (also known as an “Unpaid Fee” stop) on a customer’s registration when the customer fails to pay you for tag and title fees, submit the following documents:

  1. Dealer Request for Registration Stop (Form HSMV-MS2001)
  2. Copy of Certificate of Registration (issued to customer for tag you purchased on customer’s behalf)
  3. Copy of Form HSMV 82041 (receipt from tag office showing fees paid on behalf of customer)
  4. Cash on Delivery (C.O.D.) Notice signed by customer
  5. Copy of Buyer’s Order (Purchase Agreement)

All documents may be emailed to the DMS at: or faxed to 850-617-3946

The following is the section of Florida law that allows dealers to place administrative stops on customers’ registrations if they fail to pay the dealer for tag and title fees:

s. 320.02(16), F.S.The department is authorized to withhold registration or re-registration of a motor vehicle if the name of the owner or of a coowner appears on a list submitted to the department by a licensed motor vehicle dealer for a previous registration of that vehicle. The department shall place the name of the registered owner of that vehicle on the list of those persons who may not be issued a license plate, revalidation sticker, or replacement plate for the vehicle purchased from the licensed motor vehicle dealer. The motor vehicle dealer must maintain signed evidence that the owner or coowner acknowledged the dealer’s authority to submit the list to the department if he or she failed to pay and must note the amount for which the owner or coowner would be responsible for the vehicle registration. The dealer must maintain the necessary documentation required in this subsection or face penalties as provided in s. 320.27. This subsection does not affect the issuance of a title to a motor vehicle.

(a) The motor vehicle owner or coowner may dispute the claim that money is owed to a dealer for registration fees by submitting a form to the department if the motor vehicle owner or coowner has documentary proof that the registration fees have been paid to the dealer for the disputed amount. Without clear evidence of the amounts owed for the vehicle registration and repayment, the department will assume initial payments are applied to government-assessed fees first.
(b) If the registered owner’s dispute complies with paragraph (a), the department shall immediately remove the motor vehicle owner or coowner’s name from the list, thereby allowing the issuance of a license plate or revalidation sticker.